Quicksilver Group News

News for Silver Series

Swim with the Minkes on Silversonic

Minke Whale

While the humpbacks are on the way to the Great Barrier Reef, their smaller cousins, the Minke Whales are also frequenting our warm tropical waters at this time of year.

And, with one of the few permits available from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to swim with the minkes » Read the full Story

Five Endangered Species Sei Whales sighted at Agincourt Reef

Five Endangered Species Sei Whales sighted at Agincourt Reef

Passengers and crew aboard the Port Douglas-based dive and snorkel vessel Silversonic were excited to see more than five whales, confirmed to be Sei Whales at Agincourt Reef.

The Sei Whales, which remain on the endangered species list, were seen near Silversonic’s “Three Sisters” site at Agincourt Reef. » Read the full Story

The Quickest – Mo-Bros on the Reef

The Quickest – Mo-Bros on the Reef

The Quicksilver Group is once again getting hairy and supporting Movember with a concerted effort to raise funds for this important cause. Now in its sixth year Movember has achieved some amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCFA) and beyondblue: the national depression initiative. » Read the full Story

Santa leaps for Christmas Charity

Santa leaps for Christmas Charity

Santa made a special appearance today, arriving early from the Great Barrier Reef on board his unique reef sleigh to launch the annual Quicksilver Group Christmas Charity Appeal.

Santa, along with some SES helpers, skilfully abseiled down Great Adventures’ Reef Prince catamaran in Trinity Inlet.  » Read the full Story

Rare treat as Migaloo sighted by Quicksilver and Silversonic

Rare treat as Migaloo sighted by Quicksilver and Silversonic

It was a rare double treat for Quicksilver’s passengers yesterday as guests aboard both Quicksilver’s Outer Reef cruise and Silversonic dive and snorkel boat were thrilled to sight Migaloo, the famed albino humpback whale. » Read the full Story

Quicksilver Group leads the way with Environmental Sustainability

Quicksilver Group leads the way with Environmental Sustainability

The Quicksilver Group has achieved another benchmark in environmentally sustainable practices with the introduction of biodiesel fuel on its fleet of coaches.

Initially introduced onto two coaches, a 53 and 57 seater, this cleaner, non-toxic and biodegradable fuel will be rolled out to our fleet of 10 coaches » Read the full Story

Silversonic in the swim with Minkes

This friendly minke whale joined Silversonic at the Nursery Bommie site at Agincourt Reef. All passengers were thrilled to be able to enter the water as the minke playfully swam between the boat and the bommie.

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Humpback Whale encounter for Silversonic Passengers

Humpback Whale encounter for Silversonic Passengers

Passengers aboard Quicksilver’s dive and snorkel vessel Silversonic got an up close and personal encounter with an inquisitive juvenile humpback whale on Friday (10 July).

Estimated to be around 5 metres in length, the humpback approached the stationary vessel emerging at the bow while thrilled passengers watched on in awe. » Read the full Story

Silver Series Dive and Snorkel New Video

Check out the new Dive and Snorkel Video for the Silver Series where you can explore the beauty of Great Barrier Reef.
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Minke’s Swim with Silverswift Passengers

Minke’s Swim with Silverswift Passengers

A delighted group of snorkellers was in awe as a juvenile Minke approached them at their second snorkel site today.

Silverswift, Quicksilver’s adventure dive and snorkel vessel was moored at Flynn Reef at a spot known as Gordons Bommie. » Read the full Story