Quicksilver Group News

Thirty One Years of Change – Cruising to Retirement

For thirty-one years Julie Dight has been involved with the same Reef cruise company from joining Hayles Cruises in 1981 to present day Great Adventures as she now heads toward retirement.

Julie started in reservations and counter sales and most recently has been involved in the accounts department. During Julie’s time the Company has grown from 20 people to 450.

Julie said, “With so many highlights over the past 31 years, it is hard to name just a few, from watching the Company grow, the development of tourism in Cairns and the revamping of Green Island Resort, the opening of the International Airport, Great Adventures’ world water ski record and of course the changes in technology, especially the computer. It has been a wonderful journey and I have grown with the Company through four ownership changes, their ideas and their plans for the future. I have never been bored and always interested in the direction the Company was going. I enjoy the ability to get on with lots of different people but most importantly the company has great camaraderie and I have made many wonderful friends.”

Tony Baker, Quicksilver Group Managing Director said “ To have employees like Julie who have been part of our company for 31 years and seen it grow and evolve over this time is fantastic. While Julie’s knowledge of the companies evolution will certainly be missed, we wish her all the best as she spends time on her property doing lots more gardening and spending time with her family and dog.”

Julie’s final words after 31years “Tourism has been my livelihood and I owe everything to it. When I first came to Cairns there were few jobs available other than Hayles to Green Island and the Kuranda Rail tour so I will continue to take an interest in tourism and having seen the high and the lows, I know the future is strong for Cairns”.
