Quicksilver Group News

Silver Series initiative to help reduce the impact of greenhouse gases

SilversonicPassengers travelling aboard Silver Series’ adventure dive and snorkel vessels, Silversonic and Silverswift, now have the option to assist in reducing the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment.

Quicksilver’s Environment and Compliance Manager Doug Baird said a recent survey of passengers travelling aboard these vessels showed that they would support such an initiative.

“With a heightened awareness of the role we can all play in reducing carbon emissions, we’re pleased to offer passengers the opportunity to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment, in particular the Great Barrier Reef.”

“We have elected to support the work being done by Greenfleet an accredited organisation* to offset greenhouse emissions, through a voluntary donation program.”

For a donation of $2 per person, passengers can assist Greenfleet in its work to reduce and recapture greenhouse gas emissions. All contributions are directed to Greenfleet which can be donated onboard on the day of travel.

It is anticipated that the voluntary initiative will eventually be rolled out across all other Quicksilver Group cruises.

Quicksilver was one of the first companies to be certified by Ecotourism Australia’s Climate Action Program in recognition of the commitment to environmentally sustainable operations and has been certified as a “Climate Action Innovator”.

As with all Quicksilver Group products, Silver Series cruises are accredited with Advanced Ecotourism Accreditation.

For more information about Greenfleet: www.greenfleet.com.au
* Greenhouse Friendly™ Approved Abatement Provider.
